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    General Data Protection Regulation

    What is the GDPR? 
    The European Parliament adopted the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in April 2016, to replace the outdated 1995 Data Protection Directive. It includes provisions that require companies to protect the personal data and privacy of Union citizens. European Union for transactions occurring within EU Member States. The GDPR also regulates the export of personal data outside the EU.


    The provisions are consistent across all 28 EU Member States, which means that companies just have to have a standard to be aligned across countries. However, this standard is quite high and will require most companies to make substantial investments to comply with the regulation and to administer it.



    Companies must be able to demonstrate that they have been in compliance since 25 May 2018.



    Fines can amount to 20 million euros or 4% of the company's annual turnover.

    DPO - EPD

    DPO - EPD

    Responsible for compliance: the Responsible (company), the Subcontractors and the Data Protection Officer (DPO - EPD).

    How can Quasetudo help my company?


    Quasetudo can help your company to implement the GDPR, through consultancy and the provision of services for adaptation, compliance management and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in your company.

    Compliance Folder

    Our methodology consists of preparing and delivering a dossier that includes all the necessary steps for any organization to comply with the GDPR.

    Procedures, Policies and Training

    In preparing the dossier, we will include surveys, assessments, forms, training, procedures and policies and all necessary demonstrations of compliance with the Regulation.


    Contact us  for a proposal.



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